Trusted By
100,000+ People
Best Hospital
In Karachi
Number #1
Hospital in Pakistan


Detail about our service


The department of pulmonology offers a vast range of services including 24-hour emergency Services, Out-patient and In-patient services.

Pulmonology department deals primarily with diseases afflicting the lungs. It also encompasses areas like Critical care, Radiology and rehabilitation service.

The department is headed by Dr. MALEEHA SADAF who is a consultant pulmonologist and serving her best in the field of TUBERCULOSIS, BRONCHIECTASIS, ASTHAMA, ALLERGY, COPD, PNEUMONIA, OCCUPATIONAL LUNG DISEASES and INFECTIOUS LUNG DISEASES.

Our In-patient facility comprises of critical care unit including HDU, ICU Semi-private wards, Private wards and male female separate general wards Along with 24 hour laboratory, radiology, and pharmacy ensure seamless provision of highest quality of medical; care.

Our Doctors